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Monthly Archives: August 2012

Microsoft Excel and Access Integration With Microsoft Office 2007

Microsoft Excel and Access Integration With Microsoft Office 2007

Although many people rarely go from Excel into Access or vice versa, you should know that Microsoft actually designed these applications to work together. In this book, you’ll discover how Access benefits from Excel’s flexible presentation layer and versatile analysis capabilities, while Access’s relational database structure and robust querying tools enhance Excel. Once you learn to make the two work together, you’ll find that your team’s productivity is the real winner.

Ancient World Leaders – Hannibal

Ancient World Leaders – Hannibal

Hannibal Barca was an extraordinary military leader and political reformer in the ancient world. His Carthaginian army’s march with elephants over the Alps to attack rival Rome in 218 BCE is one of the most daring exploits in world history. Hannibal sacrificed his life to leadership and war, and became such a force in the world’s imagination that centuries after his death, Roman mothers would scare their children by threatening, ‘Hannibal is at the gates’. His sacrifice of self to a larger cause is still an inspiration today, and his battle plans are studied by modern students of conflict and war. Read in “Hannibal” how his personal discipline and charisma remain models for world leadership.


كتاب عصر الظهور

كتاب عصر الظهور

الشيخ علي الكوراني العاملي

كتاب يتحدث عن علامات ظهور المهدي المنتظر لدى الشيعة الإثني عشرية وقرب ظهوره

سيرة الإمام يحيي بن محمد حميد الدين

سيرة الإمام  يحيي بن محمد حميد الدين المسماة كتيبة الحكمة من سيرة إمام الأمة – الجزئين

تأليف: المؤرخ العلامة القاضي عبد الكريم بن أحمد مطهر –  ت 1366هـ / 1947م

دراسة وتحقيق: الدكتور محمد عيسى صالحية – جامعة اليرموك