Drawing Cartoons and Comics For Dummies
Drawing Cartoons and Comics For Dummies

Microsoft Excel 2010 All-In-One for Dummies
Microsoft Excel 2010 All-In-One for Dummies

Excel is the standard for spreadsheet applications and is used worldwide, but it’s not always user-friendly. That makes it a perfect For Dummies topic, and this handy all-in-one guide covers all the essentials, the new features, how to analyze data with Excel, and much more.
Eight minibooks address Excel basics, worksheet design, formulas and functions, worksheet collaboration and review, charts and graphics, data management, data analysis, and Excel and VBA.
- Excel is the leading spreadsheet/data analysis software and is used throughout the world; the newest revision includes upgraded tools and a redesigned interface
- For Dummies books are the bestselling guides to Excel, with more than three million copies sold
- Excel 2010 All-in-One For Dummies covers the changes in the newest version as well as familiar tasks, such as creating and editing worksheets, setting up formulas, and performing statistical functions
- Eight self-contained minibooks cover the basics, worksheet design, formulas and functions, worksheet collaboration, presenting data in charts and graphics, data management, data analysis, and creating macros with VBA.
Newcomers to Excel as well as veterans who just want to learn the latest version will find Excel 2010 All-in-One For Dummies has everything they need to know.
Reengineering Work: Don’t Automate, Obliterate
Reengineering Work: Don’t Automate, Obliterate
by Michael Hammer
Business Process Reengineering
Despite many years of restructuring and downsizing through process rationalization and automation, US companies have not obtained the improvements that she needed. This can be attributed to companies leaving the existing processes intact and using computers simply to speed them up! But speeding up those processes cannot address their fundamental performance deficiencies. Many of the job designs, work flows, control mechanisms, and organizational structures came of age in a different competitive environment and before the advent of the computer. Instead of computerizing outdated processes, we should “reengineer” the business processes, that is, to use the power of the computer to radically redesign the business the processes. Only through such a radical approach can companies achieve great improvement in their performances.
The process of “reengineering” involves the breaking of old, traditional ways of doing business and finding new and innovative ways. And from the redesigned processes, new rules will emerge that will determine how the processes will operate. The reengineering process is an all-or-nothing proposition, the results of which are often unknown until the completion of its course. Continue reading
رياح التغيير في اليمن
رياح التغيير في اليمن
أحمد بن محمد الشامي
رياح التغيير في اليمن
لمؤلفه/ أحمد بن محمد الشامي
مقدمة لعرض على الكتاب للأستاذ/ حاتم فارع
هناك كتب تجد نفسك مضطراً لعدم تركها وطرحها من يدك حتى تصل مع كاتبها إلى النهاية، وقد يكون ذلك لأسلوبه الأخَّاذ، أو للمعلومات الجديدة أو الحقائق المشوقة، وقد تجتمع كل هذه المقومات في كتاب واحد
وفي نظري أن كتاب: (رياح التغيير في اليمن) قد جمع أغلب هذه المزايا إن لم يكن كلها
فصاحب الكتاب لم يلتزم طريقة السرد التاريخي للوقائع التي عايشها، ولا تكلم عن نفسه بعيداً عن الحقائق التاريخية ولكنه مزج كلاً منهما بطريقة الشاعر البصير والكاتب القدير، فجاء كتابه متميزاً من بين عشرات الكتب التي ألفت عن هذه الفترة من تاريخ اليمن
قد حاول الكاتب أن يكون صادقاً في نقله، وأن يلتزم الموضوعية في كتابته. وهو خلال ذلك يتحدث عن نفسه كمذكرات شخصية له وأحداث عايشها، ووقائع عاصرها
وأي قارئ للكتاب سيستشعر أن كاتبه يتمتع بروحانية الشاعر وبلاغة الأديب وصدق المؤرخ. لما سيجده في ثناياه من لمسات أدبية ونفحات وجدانية ويختلط هذا بالنفس الساخر والأسلوب الطريف في بعض الأحيان
هذا بالإضافة إلى أن يتكلم عن فترة من أحرج الفترات في تاريخ اليمن الحديث
Islam and Modernity: Transformation of an Intellectual Tradition
Islam and Modernity: Transformation of an Intellectual Tradition
Fazlur Rahman 
“As Professor Fazlur Rahman shows in the latest of a series of important contributions to Islamic intellectual history, the characteristic problems of the Muslim modernists—the adaptation to the needs of the contemporary situation of a holy book which draws its specific examples from the conditions of the seventh century and earlier—are by no means new. . . . In Professor Rahman’s view the intellectual and therefore the social development of Islam has been impeded and distorted by two interrelated errors. The first was committed by those who, in reading the Koran, failed to recognize the differences between general principles and specific responses to ‘concrete and particular historical situations.’ . . . This very rigidity gave rise to the second major error, that of the secularists. By teaching and interpreting the Koran in such a way as to admit of no change or development, the dogmatists had created a situation in which Muslim societies, faced with the imperative need to educate their people for life in the modern world, were forced to make a painful and self-defeating choice—either to abandon Koranic Islam, or to turn their backs on the modern world.”—Bernard Lewis, New York Review of Books
“In this work, Professor Fazlur Rahman presents a positively ambitious blueprint for the transformation of the intellectual tradition of Islam: theology, ethics, philosophy and jurisprudence. Over the voices advocating a return to Islam or the reestablishment of the Sharia, the guide for action, he astutely and soberly asks: What and which Islam? More importantly, how does one get to ‘normative’ Islam? The author counsels, and passionately demonstrates, that for Islam to be actually what Muslims claim it to be—comprehensive in scope and efficacious for every age and place—Muslim scholars and educationists must reevaluate their methodology and hermeneutics. In spelling out the necessary and sound methodology, he is at once courageous, serious and profound.”—Wadi Z. Haddad, American-Arab Affairs
Teaching Smart People How to Learn
Teaching Smart People How to Learn
by Chris Argyris 
Competitive success depends on learning, but most people, including professionals in leadership positions, are not very good at it. Learning is a function of how people reason about their own behavior. Yet most people engage in defensive reasoning when confronted with problems. They blame others and avoid examining critically the way they have contributed to problems. Companies need to make managers’ and employees’ reasoning patterns a focus of continuous improvement efforts.
This article includes a one-page preview that quickly summarizes the key ideas and provides an overview of how the concepts work in practice along with suggestions for further reading.
Microsoft Word 2010 All-In-One for Dummies
Microsoft Word 2010 All-In-One for Dummies
A complete guide to the world’s most popular word processing software
Microsoft Word is the most popular word processing software on the planet, and the most-used application in the Microsoft Office productivity suite. Along with the rest of Office, Word has been enhanced with new features and capabilities in the 2010 version.
Word’s many users will find new things to learn and use in Word 2010, and this all-in-one guide gets them up to speed while providing a reference for taking Word to the next level.
- Word is the top-selling application in the Microsoft Office suite and is the leading word processing software
- Both newcomers to Word and experienced users will need instruction in Word 2010’s new features, including online editing capabilities, online document collaboration, and an improved search function
- Nine minibooks cover Word basics, editing, formatting, inserting bits and pieces, publishing documents, using reference features, mailings, customizing Word, and special features for developers
Word 2010 All-in-One For Dummies makes it easier for Word users everywhere to get up and running with Word 2010 and its new features.